Haven and Hearth Wiki

Non-incrementable Skills[]

See Skill List. Also see the skill tree.

Incrementable Skills[]

Unarmed Combat[]

Melee Combat[]

  • Affects the effectiveness of moves in combat whose weights are affected by Melee Combat while fighting with weapons such as Stone axe, Battleaxe of the Twelfth Bay, Militia Sword and Soldier's Sword. e.g. Sting, Valorous Strike.
  • Also affects the chance of blocking with shield.


  • Increased speed of aiming with sling and bows.
  • Softcaps the crafting of bows.


  • In conjunction with Perception, determines how often you will find herbs and other items in different areas.
  • When anyone commits criminal acts in Haven and Hearth, they will probably leave behind a scent. Exploration determines how easy it is to find those scents, and how frequently they may be used to track the perpetrator (Perception*Exploration).


  • Influences visibility and quantity of crimes scents, which you leave (Intelligence*Stealth). See Stealth


  • Increases the softcap a character has on the quality of leather and silk items that are crafted.
  • You cannot craft items of a higher quality rating using sewing recipes higher than your skill value (sqrt(Dexterity*Sewing)).


  • Increases the softcap a character has on the quality of smithing production.
  • You cannot craft items of a higher quality rating using smithing recipes higher than your skill value (sqrt(Strength*Smithing)).
  • sqrt(Psyche*Smithing) affect quality of jewelry recipes.
  • Smithing does not appear to affect quality of wrought iron, steel and alloys ( bronze).


Masonry also refers to the non-incrementable legacy(?) skill, Masonry.

  • Was added as an incremental skill in the world 10 update.
  • Increases the softcap on stone and clay when digging.


Carpentry also refers to the non-incrementable skill, Carpentry.

  • Increases the softcap a character has on the quality of many wooden items, mainly boards.
  • You cannot craft items of a higher quality rating using carpentry recipes higher than your skill value.


  • Increases the softcap a character has on the quality of all cooking recipes that do not involve ovens. e.g. Bread dough, not bread itself


Farming also refers to the non-incrementable skill, Farming.

  • Increases the quality of the seeds/plants you harvest (randomized +5\-5).
  • You cannot grow up plants of a quality rating higher than your skill value + 3.
  • Since the start of World 4, the quality of the seeds/plants you harvest cannot exceed the quality of the soil it is planted. Farming cooperates with cooking in a high value. You need many doughs, which are a product of flour, which is a product of wheat seeds.


  • Increases the softcap a character has on the quality of herbs picked.
  • Increases the quality of meat, bones, and hides taken from animals.
  • You cannot craft items of a higher quality rating using survival recipes higher than your skill value.
  • Survival recipes: fishing gear, ranged weapons, roasted meat, boiled egg.
  • The hardcap for Survival is 300. There is no benefit in going above 300. (for all animals 200, 300 = only trolls)